Many athletes have suffered tooth loss either through an injury, teeth grinding, or other reasons that can interrupt their training or game time schedules. While many methods can replace them, dental implants are considered the most advantageous for those involved in regular vigorous exercise. They provide some unique benefits over other restorations, like dental bridges and dentures, that make them an ideal solution for those who are physically active.
If you’re a competitor who has lost one or more teeth, keep reading to learn 3 reasons why you should consider dental implants to replace them!
Reason #1: Enhanced Stability
Dental implants are considered to be the gold standard of tooth replacements because they’re the only option that includes a surgically inserted support rod, or abutment. This titanium pole is placed into your jawbone and eventually fuses with it through a process known as osseointegration. Then, once that has healed, your dentist caps it with a tooth-colored dental crown so no one can tell the false tooth from the real one.
The final result is a new false tooth that is firmly rooted into your jaw. Because it’s so sturdy, it’s less likely to be jostled out of place during your next visit to the gym or big game.
Reason #2: Nutritious Diet
Another plus for athletes with dental implants is that they can resume their healthy eating habits without as many concerns over dietary restrictions. Because these false teeth are so firmly planted, you’re less likely to yank one out of place by chewing something too sticky, for example. You’ll be able to enjoy all the essentials like proteins, fruits, and vegetables without damaging your restoration. Furthermore, you won’t have to cope with the embarrassment of having your false teeth fall out mid-meal.
Reason #3: Increased Confidence
A strong belief in yourself and your abilities is essential if you’re an athlete competing to win. It’s harder to focus on the task at hand if you’re preoccupied with anxiety, after all. If you’re self-conscious about the way your mouth looks and feels, then you’re more likely to feel distracted or that you don’t have what it takes.
Dental implants, meanwhile, are customized to match your natural pearly whites for a seamless appearance. No one would know just by looking that one or more of your teeth are prosthetics. You’ll have a gorgeous grin that can boost your confidence and restore your belief in your abilities.
Now that you know how dental implants benefit you as an athlete, there’s no reason to delay. Contact your dentist to start the process, and soon you’ll be enjoying your perfectly refurbished smile!
About the Practice
At South Shore Dental Care, individuals of all ages benefit from two experts who provide a wide range of services under one roof, including dental implants. They use state-of-the-art technology, like digital imaging, to enhance patient comfort and provide more accurate results. They have the instruments and experience necessary to help you through every stage of the dental implant process from your initial consultation to the surgery to finally placing your dental crown. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (516) 798-3808.