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Why Aren’t My Teeth Not Moving Correctly with Invisalign?

October 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Stutman's Office @ 7:57 pm

Close up of woman holding clear alignerIf you have chosen Invisalign to fix your bite and alignment, you’ve made a great investment. You don’t have to worry about brackets or wires. Instead, clear aligners are worn over your teeth to move them slowly. However, your treatment can be much shorter than with metal braces. Unfortunately, your teeth may not move as quickly as anticipated. Here’s why your treatment plan may not be on track. 

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign doesn’t rely on brackets or wires to pull your teeth into position. Instead, your dentist used an impression of your mouth and advanced technology to create a series of aligners to be worn over your teeth. Each aligner applies continual pressure to specific areas to correct bite and alignment problems. The average treatment takes 12 to 18 months.

Reasons Your Teeth Aren’t Moving

Most Invisalign treatments occur with no complications, but certain problems can occur. Your teeth may not move as predicted for several reasons, including:

  1. Not Wearing Your Aligners Enough: You must wear your aligners for at least 22 hours per day. You should only take them out when eating or drinking anything except water. You should also remove them to brush and floss your teeth. Always clean your aligners before putting them back in your mouth.
  2. Not Switching Your Aligners On Time: Your dentist will instruct you to switch to the next set of aligners in your series every 1-2 weeks, depending on your treatment plan. Switching your aligners too soon won’t give your teeth enough time to move. Wearing your aligners for too long can stall your treatment plan.
  3. You May Need Refinements: Even if you’re following your dentist’s instructions, moving teeth is a complex process and there might be hiccups along the way. It’s not unusual to require refinements, which are additional aligners created after already beginning your treatment.

It’s important to maintain your follow-up appointments with your dentist. They will monitor the movement of your teeth to ensure your treatment is progressing as predicted. Your dentist will create the personalized approach you need to achieve a straight, healthy smile.

About Dr. Dory Stutman

Dr. Stutman is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University and has regularly continued his education in many specialties, including cosmetic dentistry and Invisalign. He is affiliated with several professional organizations, including the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Request an appointment through his website or call (516) 366-2245.

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